I hope that you all have a very merry Christmas. So many of my fellow adoptive parents have received early Christmas gifts in the form of referrals and court dates...I was hoping for one but hey it's not my time. My hubby thinks we'll get a February referral. Well, God only knows. I'm just grateful to have another year with my beautiful children and loving husband. I'm looking forward to meeting up with our Ethiopia Adopt Group and having a "Melkam Genna",(Merry Christmas in Amharic) celebration at our local Ethiopian Restaurant. I miss the food...craving sambusa's. Ethiopia honors the day on January 7th so we get to stretch out the season and the gifts LOL. Again, enjoy your holiday and have a happy New Year...see you in 10'
Melkam Genna Toni!!! Hang in there girl ... your time of waiting for a referral is closing in ... can't be too much longer now!!! I can't wait to hear that announcement of yours!!!!! I will be screaming of happiness so loud you'll be able to hear me in Orlando!
Merry Christmas Chain Family ... may 2010 be the year you bring your little princess home!!!! I truly wish that for you and I know, but still pray, that it will happen this year of 2010!!!!
Just digging through some old emails and found your order for one of our Africa appliqued t shirts we had in our etsy store. So sorry but things have been so hectic. We've got it made up and there is absolutely no charge. Could you email us your mailing address to : hanselcrew@windstream.net . Thanks and we are very, very sorry that we missed it.
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